

I'd like to record what I read FT related politics topic.


  • G8 Summit at Japan 2008
According to FT in 10 July 2008, in this time, G8 Summit had 3 big issues, global warming, oil price and food price. The main topic which people paid the biggest attention was whether G8 could agree to halve the emission of CO2 or not. As a result, we cannot say the agreement was enough. G8 fialed to persue India and China which insisted that depeloped countries should lead this problem and reduce the emission 85 - 90% from 19??. Wow...

According to FT in 8 July 2008, G8 contries discussed various political issues in the world. I found 3 points about that. (1)There is a limitation to stop rising oil price for G8 contories , so we have to put the end of the dependence to the crude oil. (2)We have to promote free to trade the bio fuel. (3)We hope strong Dollers for world economy. Addisionally the topic we have attension the most is whether G8 could reach an agreement to reduce emission of CO2 to combat global climate change. The key point is "mid*term target". If US agrees the mid*term target, surprisingly China and India would agree the reduction for 2050 halving emission.
  • Tibet問題
2008年5月26日、FTにダライラマのインタビューの記事があった。彼曰く、一部のチベット人からの自分への信頼が失われつつある。自分の非暴力のやり方が成果を挙げていないからだ。それでも、ダライラマは、抵抗は、非暴力の原則を破るべきではないと考え、もし、一部のチベット人のコントロールが効かなくなり、暴力的な方向に言った場合は、現在の立場を止めざるを得ないと。近々に中国との会議があるようだが、その前の揺さぶりか。(reference:financial times
  • 中東問題
    • ヒズボラがベイルート(レバノンの首都)をコントロール化に置いた件
ヒズボラがベイルートを制圧しコントロール化に置き、既存の政権(欧米寄り)に打撃をあたえたようだ。ここにもスンニ派とシーア派の争いがあるようだ。いろいろな国の思惑が絡んでいるみたい。アメリカ、シリア、イラン、イスラエル、エジプトなど。(reference:financial times