
In order to realize the [Goal], we have to overcome some walls.
|*What information should be saved?|I think the answer is "actionable information"->[Knowledge]!
|*How information should be saved?|I think We need to "[abstract information]". I need to think about how to accumulate knowledge. one possible candidate is [semantic media wiki|https://semantic-mediawiki.org/]. Please let me check the difference between mediawiki and semantic mediawiki. I would like develop some plugins of jspwiki related to additional semantic function. 
|*How to retrieve the necessary information?|Search engine and linkage. I have an interest in scale free graph as an intuitive user interface. Let me study the utilization of [cytoscape] for this wiki site.  I have interests in [Wearable devices] to help us to leverage information such as glasses and earphone. Voice and [eye-tracking] should be input methods.
|*How to leverage the necessary information? |I think "[cooking recipe]" could be good example as actionable information.