Systems Architecture





  • 課題 Develop the architecture of a system using Eisner's method, presenting a system design review to class. Ensure the architecture is solid and show output of each step of Eisner's method.*| I guess the method is "essential steps of system architecting ([Eisner 2008], 269)"
  • このシステムは複雑システム? YES。なぜならば。。。
  • 以下の11個の要求を満たすこと。ここは、提出方法。
    1. R1. Due date. Presentations are due on date scheduled. Project papers are due March 31. *| IC
    2. R2. Formats. Project papers are a maximum of 12 pages (minimum 11 point font and 1" margins), including all data, drawings, tables, introduction, references etc. (References and figures can have 10 point font, but if you're considering that, it may mean you haven't condensed enough) Papers can be hardcopy or any softcopy format I can read (e.g. .pdf, .doc, .docx). Presentations must be turned in in softcopy format (check first whether I can open a sample presentation, if using software other than Powerpoint). *| IC
    3. R3. Potential Exam Questions for Instructor. All Project papers must come with 3 multiple*choice questions that the instructor might want to include on the final exam. The questions should test concepts that students will learn from your presentation. Include answers. These shall be submitted in a separate file or page, not counted in the 12 pages of your Project paper. The questions are due March 24. *| IC
    4. R4. Presentation length. The goal is to teach something valuable, on the topic, to your fellow students (see R3).The quality of the presentation, not the Powerpoint package, is what is judged. Presentations must have maximum of 8 slides, which need not include text. *| えええ、15分で8スライドしかだめなの!?まあ、いいけど。
    5. R5. Total presentation time is between 15 and 20 minutes. Students must watch the clock and have the final slide presented by 20 minutes.*| IC
    6. R6. References. Papers and presentations shall cite references for all assertions and citeable items like diagrams, in a format that is correct according to <choose your own standard|. Presentation citations may be in notes pages rather than on the slide. *| IC
    7. R7. Expected depth. Projects are assumed to be doable in 10*40 hours. *| IC
    8. R8. Input questions. The instructor will provide questions submitted by your classmates. Projects should answer these questions to the extent possible, within the constraints of the other requirements. *| I will try
    9. R9. Identification. Put your name on everything you turn in. *| IC
    10. R10. Grading. The sum of the presentation and the paper is your Project. (The topic must be the same.) The Project is graded on
      1. satisfaction of requirements (15),
      2. quality of insights (25),
      3. usefulness to class (5), and
      4. maturity of products (5) (spell check is your friend).
    11. R11. Project content. You do not have to answer all of the dashed questions shown; these are only suggestions, as are the readings. You may want to pick just one and do a great job, something that could lead to a publication, perhaps. *| IC
  • 以下の11個の質問にできるだけ答えること
    1. 2. Do any of the prominent Systems Architecture development models/frameworks contribute to a quality System Architecture? What can help us create good architectures? ようは、数あるフレームワークは実際に役に立つのかと言っている。ここでいうフレームワークってDoDAFのことかな。
    2. 3. How did you decide to implement the phases of your project?審査会でしょう。
    3. 3. What were the biggest challenges you faced during this project?やってみないと分からない。
    4. 4. What software is commonly used in systems architecture design?調べないと分からない。UMLだったらJudeかな。SysMLだったら、。。。
    5. 4. Do all projects require an architecture?そんなことない気がする。システムアーキテクチャーをつくる必要がないプロジェクトを考えてみよう。
    6. 6. How are architecture products beneficial to a project team in completing engineering development tasks?アーキテクチャがどのように役立つか?抽象的な問いだな。
    7. 9. Explain why consistency is a vital attribute of System Architecture, using examples当り前だろうってだめなんだろうな。
    8. 9. What are the benefits of modularity: in System Architecture?モジュール化の効用。調べないと。
    9. 10. Is there any improvement on Eisner's method for system architecture?やってやる!
    10. 12. It appears that System Architecture is appropriate for green*field projects and programs, but how does one apply Systems Architecture concepts to large programs that have not been properly or partially architected (i.e. no formal or partial requirements)? 意味が分からない。
    11. 12. Define or describe Enterprise Architecture for a federation of government agency enterprise architectures (i.e. Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Civilian Agencies, etc.)くっそー、単なる興味だろうこれ。調べるの面倒。




基本は以下の4つのステップ([Eisner 2008], 270)
  • Requirements analysis/allocation([Eisner 2008], 244)
  • Functional analysis([Eisner 2008], 205)
  • Architecture Design/Synthesis
  • Alternatives analysis

Requirements analysis/allocation#

やり方はCh8に([Eisner 2008], 233)。でもいきなりは、難しいからユースケースから考え出すかな。

アクタ Or ステークホルダー&ユースケース#

  • 緊急患者(Emergency patient) 患者が直接このシステムを使うことはなさそう
  • かかりつけ医(Caregiver) 緊急治療要請をWEBで入力する。その際、患者のこれまでの履歴などのデータをシステムにWEB経由でインポートする。心配事のデータを入力する。
  • 緊急窓口(Emergency Department) 電話を受け、救急車を手配する


  • 救急医療隊(paramedic) 救急車に乗りながら、WEBシステム経由で必要な情報共有、交換を病院や警察、消防署と実施する。


  • 緊急医(Emergency physician) 患者の医療履歴を確認する。






  • (House Keeping Manager) 部屋の割り当て・管理
  • クラーク(Clerk) 初期チェックの段階で、そばにいて、必要なデータ入力を行う

Functional analysis/decomposition#

  • トップレベルFunctionの定義
    • かかりつけ医用機能
    • 救急隊用機能
    • 緊急医師用機能
    • 緊急部署(ED)用機能
    • セキュリティ用機能
  • これらをDecomposeつまり、分解する
  • 機能間のデータフローを考える
  • 要求と機能のトレーサビリティを確認する

Architecture Design/Synthesis#


Alternatives analysis/evaluation#





  1. [#1]Eisner, Howard. Essentials of Project and Systems Engineering Management. 3rd ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2008
  2. [#2]Institute of Medicine . Committee on the Future of Emergency Care in the United States Health System. 2007. Hospital*based emergency care : At the breaking point. Future of emergency care. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press,