
as testbeds, some developing products will be introduced here .
!![jspwiki plugin]
![OSM Plugin]
|OSM Plugin is a plugin for embedding OpenSteetMaps into a JSPWiki page by using OpenLayers Library [http://openlayers.org/]
[{Image src='OSM Plugin/osm.jpg' width='300'}]
![Cytoscape Plugin]
|Do you know cytoscape.js? It is a great javascript library of network diagram drawing provided with MIT licence. About Cytoscape, please refer my study -> [Cytoscape]. This plugin for JSPWiki can provide network diagram of Wiki site.
[{Image src='Cytoscape Plugin/cyroscape_eg1.jpg' width='300'}]
|This plugin will provide a form to upload a picture with its location and it automatically create a new page for the picture.
[{Image src='GeoPicPlugin/geoPicPlugin.jpg' width='300'}]
![Braincopy library] 
|The basic package of Braincopy Library. This package contains some classes to abstract "information". Those classes are supposed to be used as temporary containers. The [UML] class diagram drawn by using draw.io is here-> [{Image src='Abstract information/braincopy.png' width='300'}]