Jspwiki plugin, Products


This plugin will provide a form to upload a picture with its location and it automatically create a new page for the picture.


  1. Download GeoPicPlugin/gp-jspwiki-plugin-0.6.8.jar(info) and apache commons Imaging liblary[1]
  2. set them your lib folder of JSPWiki.
  3. restart tomcat


Place the following line anywhere in a JSPWiki page.

[{GeoPicPlugin ...}]


...default is the page which was put this plugin.

Heres an example of how the above image was created:

[{GeoPicPlugin pages='Travel/国内旅行/アメリカ旅行'}]
usage example: GeoPicPlugin Test

You can check source code on GitHub site: https://github.com/tateshitah/GeoPicPlugin

Solved Issues#

Future works and Known Issues#

  • upload by using android, some time fail to read location information from picture file (I don't know why but it was not happenned in 2019)
  • I would like to add the description of "pageviewplugin" at the beginning of the created page.
  • When uploaded a big size picture, I hope this plugin make its size down automatically.



  1. [#1]Apache Commons Imaging, https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-imaging/